Friday, May 6, 2011

Things are getting Busy!

The last few weeks have been crazy in New Hampshire.  First we get weather well into the 70's for two days and then...IT SNOWS!  Really heavy wet stuff, were what it this winter when my children wanted to build forts and snow people.

Regardless of the crazy weather, the flowers are in bloom and things are turning green. People are planting veggies and preparing for races.  The first of which is tomorrow.  The Big Lake Half Marathon at Lake Winnipesaukee.  For more information go to:

I will be at the race tomorrow, which is not particularly long, with my aunt Amber (who is also a LMT) and my wonderful wife, who takes all the pictures and keeps things in order. I look forward to seeing familiar faces and meeting new people.

Last year the weather was beautiful, so fingers crossed its that way this year too.  The forcast is suggesting some afternoon showers.  Cold Athletes= unhappy campers (and justly so). 

Lake Winnipesaukee- what a great view!

Tomorrow will be a great day! Calling it an early night.  To all those racing tomorrow- GOOD LUCK and to all those who support them- THANK YOU!