This is my dear friend
Ryan Nardontonia...
He is a great guy, but most possibly crazy as hell!!!
I'm Going to Ride my Bicycle from Boston to Magee Hospital In Philadephia to visit Tyson (yes, that's 350+ miles)

Hi, I'm Ryan Nardontonia; amongst other things, I ride bicycles.
While swimming at a picnic on August 4th Tyson Snader shattered his 7th vertebrae and fractured his 5th-6th. Lacey Snader, my friend and his wife noticed he was struggling and he was dragged from the water. He underwent emergency surgery and doctors now expect (little do they know) that the muscles below his chest will remain paralyzed.
Tyson and Lacey had been married for two months prior to the picnic; a fun event they were sharing with their son, Hudson. Yes, this is a tragic story of the attempted derailment of newfound exuberance - let it sink in.
Tyson has great company in overcoming this. As long as I've known Lacey she's had a beautiful resolve. Like anyone, they'll need help funding medical bills and an accessible home and car.
In all likelihood, it's physically impossible to ride this far. Tyson's been told similar. Fittingly then, In one piece or otherwise, I will meet Tyson at Magee on October 14th.
Rally Name: Cycle for Snader, a Do Good & Ride Bikes Effort Become a fundraiser
Number of supporters: 33
Rally Leader: Ryan Nardontonia Please join me in helping Ryan make a difference... He's doing the hard work, let's do some simple math...