I am constantly asked "How can I become better, faster, slimmer?" The answer is not an easy one. Most of us try as hard as we can to eat healthy and exercise regularly to keep us going. What all of us forget is maintenance. Obviously I am a huge supporter of massage, always have been and always will be. Added to the, dare I say, "alternative" approach to health of massage is chiropractic, acupuncture, and a good stretching regimen. These are just a few off the top of my head. Most top athletes know the benefits of all these and more, but do you? When was the last time you had a massage? When was the last time you saw a chiropractor? (who is by the way a doctor... DC.. Doctor of Chiropractic) When was the last time you stretched for more than a few minutes? If it wasn't this week or last, you really are missing out on a key part of your training. "But it cost so much!" Does it? How much is your health worth to you? As a society of smokers, drinkers, eaters and couch potatoes, its amazing that we can afford anything at all! Do you want to be a better athlete or to be the best you can be? Take some advice... Add massage and chiropractic to your training regimen... its worth its weight in gold! Not only will you be a better athlete, but you will feel better and recover faster. I take your health seriously and you should as well!

I wish you all the best of health and hope to see you at a race soon!!!