Monday, November 18, 2013

Holiday Stress!!!

Tis the season to break out of the mold and buy everything known to mankind for all of our loved ones... break the bank... break the budget.. and totally break down and end up in the loony bin..
How do we avoid this? Read this short little article provided by the editorial staff of Massage & Bodyworks magazine...

Holiday Stress
Tips to Stay On Top 
By Editorial Staff 

Originally published in Massage & Bodywork magazine, October/November 2000.
Copyright since 2000. Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals. All rights reserved.

Here "it" comes -- holiday stress. As families negotiate where to spend Thanksgiving, and millions of us are making the empty promise to ourselves to start early on holiday shopping, the anxiety begins to build. And it only gets crazier from here. Choir practice for the kids, family gatherings at every turn, office parties, treks to the mall, know where this is headed. So what can you do about it? You may not be able to control the chaos of the season, but there are some steps to make sure you survive it unscathed.

1.Take time for yourself. YES, get a massage.
Soak in a mineral bath. Listen to the silence of a snowfall. Even if there seems no possible moment you can claim as your own, close your eyes, breathe deep from your belly several times, exhaling the air loudly from your mouth. Do this whenever you need a "moment."

2. Utilize catalog/online shopping. Don't fight the crowds. From the convenience of your home or during an office lunch hour, catalog and online shopping can eliminate the headache of holiday stress tenfold.

3. Eat right. Some of the best goodies come out this time of year. While you shouldn't deny yourself the opportunity to have a piece of grandma's pumpkin pie, don't overdo it. Remember to eat plenty of vegies and fruits to help stave off the winter's bombardment of colds.

4. Give yourself the advantage. Consumption of alcohol, nicotine, drugs and caffeine elicit the body's stress reaction. Remember moderation; you'll be happier and calmer in the long run.

5. Don't skimp on the exercise...but allow yourself to be excused from the routine when need be. Exercise helps melt the stress away and can provide that moment of clarity in a hectic day.

6. Don't try to be Martha Stewart. It's easy to get caught up in the spirit of the holidays with new decorating ideas, fancy dinners and the whim to make all your gifts this year. Be realistic and honest with yourself. Don't set yourself up for failure. Hire a caterer. Have friends help by having a craft day. Forgo making the gift wreath and give a gift you'll know they'll appreciate -- a massage.

7. Remember the spirit. When it's all said and done, no one will remember that the turkey was a little dry, that the sweater didn't fit, or that you were a few minutes late for rehearsal. What do they remember? The precious moments with family and friends.
So... please remember, at the end of all of our holiday traditions we need to sit back, relax, and enjoy what truly matters... Family, friends, a cup of hot cocoa, a slice of warm apple pie, and a nice relaxing massage... Enjoy your holidays!!!
 Happy Holidays from
Pandemonium Massage Therapy
Schedule your massage today!!!


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

This is my dear friend

 Ryan Nardontonia...


He is a great guy, but most possibly crazy as hell!!!

I'm Going to Ride my Bicycle from Boston to Magee Hospital In Philadephia to visit Tyson (yes, that's 350+ miles)

Hi, I'm Ryan Nardontonia; amongst other things, I ride bicycles.

While swimming at a picnic on August 4th Tyson Snader shattered his 7th vertebrae and fractured his 5th-6th. Lacey Snader, my friend and his wife noticed he was struggling and he was dragged from the water. He underwent emergency surgery and doctors now expect (little do they know) that the muscles below his chest will remain paralyzed.
Tyson and Lacey had been married for two months prior to the picnic; a fun event they were sharing with their son, Hudson. Yes, this is a tragic story of the attempted derailment of newfound exuberance - let it sink in.
Tyson has great company in overcoming this. As long as I've known Lacey she's had a beautiful resolve. Like anyone, they'll need help funding medical bills and an accessible home and car.
In all likelihood, it's physically impossible to ride this far. Tyson's been told similar. Fittingly then, In one piece or otherwise, I will meet Tyson at Magee on October 14th.
Rally Name: Cycle for Snader, a Do Good & Ride Bikes Effort Become a fundraiser
Number of supporters: 33
Rally Leader: Ryan Nardontonia

Please join me in helping Ryan make a difference... He's doing the hard work, let's do some simple math...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The season for runners, triathletes, and the likes is off and "running"... pun intended. The need for optimal training, diet, and recovery is at hand... or feet... back... Well you get it!
I am constantly asked "How can I become better, faster, slimmer?" The answer is not an easy one. Most of us try as hard as we can to eat healthy and exercise regularly to keep us going. What all of us forget is maintenance. Obviously I am a huge supporter of massage, always have been and always will be. Added to the, dare I say, "alternative" approach to health of massage is chiropractic, acupuncture, and a good stretching regimen. These are just a few off the top of my head. Most top athletes know the benefits of all these and more, but do you?  When was the last time you had a massage? When was the last time you saw a chiropractor? (who is by the way a doctor... DC.. Doctor of Chiropractic) When was the last time you stretched for more than a few minutes? If it wasn't this week or last, you really are missing out on a key part of your training. "But it cost so much!" Does it? How much is your health worth to you? As a society of smokers, drinkers, eaters and couch potatoes, its amazing that we can afford anything at all! Do you want to be a better athlete or to be the best you can be? Take some advice... Add massage and chiropractic to your training regimen... its worth its weight in gold! Not only will you be a better athlete, but you will feel better and recover faster. I take your health seriously and you should as well!

This article touches some key points for the athlete and massage.
I wish you all the best of health and hope to see you at a race soon!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Massage- The Post-Workout Ritual of the Pros

I found this article about post-workout massage:
Finally, a "manly" excuse to get a massage: It refuels your workout. According to a new study, a post-sweat rubdown promotes recovery and relieves pain in the same way anti-inflammatory meds (ie: ibuprofen) do.

In the study, 11 guys biked to exhaustion. Afterwards, they had just one of their legs massaged. The kneaded leg had fewer signs of muscle inflammation—which lead to soreness—than untouched leg.
How come? When you work out hard (think: The Spartacus Workout), your muscles tear, releasing pro-inflammatory substances that make them ache. “Massage improves your body’s ability to make the proteins needed for energy that goes towards rebuilding muscles torn or strained during a workout,” says Simon Melov, Ph.D., and lead researcher of the study.

So when should you hit up a masseuse? Melov says that the pros are onto something. Ever seen a guy fresh off the field headed to a trainer’s table? It makes sense: The study found that the largest differences in inflammation were seen in having a massage immediately after a tough workout.

To view the original article go to: