Sunday, November 21, 2010

Looking Back at This Year's Races....PART TWO


We had beatiful, if not sporadic weather at the Black Fly this year.  It was hot with random burst of rain.  The rain was nice however, because it kept our tent fairly cool.  He are some of the days highlights.

The day started early and if you asked my wife it was COLD!

The racers lining up...and they did it quickly.

Relaxing after the race...

The view from our tent...we were able to see the whole swim, and the little kids playing

Coming inside from the rain.


Cherie, my Aunt.  She is also a massage therapist and sells her own essential oils and blends.  Contact her at or (603) 496-8107

 My Aunt Amber stretching out an athlete.

She had a great race, now its time to relax

waiting patiently...

This is Dr. Sam Ayan.  He is a Chiropractor in Boscawen, New Hampshire.. He decided to come to our tent for a massage after his race.  You can find him at 


Sam thought something was funny!

The finish line...

What a beautiful day!

Therapists helping each other...
Our Happy Customers

The line is getting longer...

Working on her husband...

"Tell me what's going on"
Someone is happy :)

Dr. Sam came back for another visit


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Looking Back on This Year's Races...PART ONE

Every year I volunteer at the major triathalons throughout New Hampshire. I have been doing so since 2003, with no intention of stopping. I really enjoy working on athletes and its always a chance to see familiar faces and meet new people.  These athletes inspire me...some are professionals, and its a shame we all can't make our living doing what we love, and others are what we call the "week-end warriors" moms and dads, husbands and wives, people who race on the weekend.  Some because they love the challenge, some because it makes them feel good and some to say they did it.  The amazing part is I get the spend part of the day with them, learning who they are and where they come from, and trust me they come from all over the world.

I help ease the aches and pains of pushing their bodies to the limit and I am proud of the fact that they wait in line for a chance to have my hands touch them and assist them to recovery.  (Racing is hard work, its hard on your mind and hard on your body).

I work at the Timberman at Lake Winnipesaukee,  the Big Lake in Alton, Black Fly in Waterville Valley and the Mooseman at New Found Lake.  My wife joins me, not a a LMT, but as a photographer and as a coordiantor of athletes and LMTs.  It is also nice mini-vacation for us, sans three little boys.  Here are some of the year's highlights:


(This picture is actually from day two). This is John Young of Salem, MA.  He is the coolest guy ever. I met John a few years ago at what I think was his first race. John is a little person and he is the most inspiring person I have ever met.  John teaches high school math and races all season through out New England. You can follow his racing adventures on his blog:

 The first racers have come in...

 this guy looks mighty comfortable...

 and the line begins to grow...eventually it will wrap around the tent...

 the bike and complete (and contained) insanity..

 This woman is my Aunt Amber, she and my mom (her twin) encouraged me to do what I love... Here we see two future LMTs in training, helping Amber work out their dad's sore muscles.  You can find Amber at

 happy campers...or at least they will be when we are done with them

John gets on the bike...he cut TWENTY SEVEN MINUTES off his time from last year.

 David Heller, I look forward to seeing him every year.  His son raced this year as well.


 Out of the water and onto the road...

 The finisher's cool

 I see this woman every year as well as her husband...she is also a massage therapist

 Chrissie Wellington...The top female Triathlete in the world, get off the bike and beginning her run.  Follow her adventures at (and by the way her blogs are hilarious)

 Andy Potts- Top male Triathlete in the world.. His mom raced too, she was first in her age division.

 John Young showing his support

 Chrissie crossing the finish line... she is by far the most humble person on the planet.  Chrissie will wait at the finish line and hand out medals to EVERYONE!

 Andy and Chrissie

 John making friends. got quite chilly at the race, I thought we were going to run out of blankets.

 the line is starting...

Smile pretty guys!

Want to Volunteer or show your support? Go to these sites to find out how: